The boys, who are based in the Northfield Area of Aberdeen, were desperately in need of new kit for the weekend, so Greenray kindly donated a brand new strip, to ensure they were the best looking team at the tournament!

Team Manager Lewis said “Without companies and individuals showing their generosity and kindness like that of Greenray, we would have struggled to get the boys to Blackpool. They would have been in old, worn out kit even if we did make it. Some of the boys circumstances mean that their parents aren’t able to afford what it would cost to get them to Blackpool. Thanks to a lot of hard work, we were able to raise over £6000 to ensure that the whole weekend was covered, including transport, accommodation and kit. We were even able to get Pleasure Beach tickets and take the boys to the Blackpool v Cardiff game. The boys had an absolute blast all weekend, played on some beautiful pitches and made lifelong memories, even if we did finish 15th out of our age group. We can’t wait to do it all again!”

Congratulations go to Lewis, for his tireless work in bringing the joy of sport to these deserving lads. Although Greenray are a hardworking engineering based company, we pride ourselves on helping our local communities.

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